Cosmetic Restorations

Cosmetic Restorations
Things people don’t like about their teeth include: discolorations, chips, cracks, gaps, stains, missing teeth, crooked teeth, etc.

In the era of selfies, Crowley Family Dental is here for you when you need cosmetic restorations done.
Cosmetic restorations is a term that envelopes various services designed to improve the look of teeth. Besides teeth whitening, did you know there’s composite bonding? This procedure utilizes tooth-colored composite resin attached to teeth to improve their shape/look. So that formerly jagged tooth can be smoothed out, etc. People also use porcelain or composite veneers to hide dental imperfections such as stained teeth. Veneers go over existing teeth– they’re hard-but-thin shells that cover existing teeth in order to beautify them. If you don’t like the shape of your teeth.
Dr. Crowley can perform tooth shaving (aka “contouring and reshaping”) to get the look you want– rounding out straight lines or vice versa. And even crowns/bridges/tooth-colored fillings are included in the list of cosmetic restorations, as they help improve a person’s look, too.
One more thing: is your mouth still filled with stark silver fillings from the old days? Those can be replaced with more modern, tooth-colored fillings that look so much like your natural teeth that people don’t even know you have fillings.
Why not ask about cosmetic restorations at Crowley Family Dental? Call us today.